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Meet The Face Behind The Punchy Ace Co.

Hey there! I’m Emily, the creative mind behind The Punchy Ace and Freshies! 🌵✨

Founded in 2017, I have a passion for all things bold, fresh, and uniquely handcrafted. Whether it’s designing custom freshies that bring your space to life or curating punchy, one-of-a-kind creations, I put my heart into everything I do.

At The Punchy Ace and Freshies, I believe in adding personality to everyday life with scents, style, and a little bit of sass.

If I am not making freshies you can fine me behind the lens, In the woods, at the pond, being a want to be farmer with my 3 chickens and of course spending as much time as I can with my boys!

💛 Stay punchy & stay fresh!